For homes in North Georgia, a clean and dry crawl space is essential for maintaining structural integrity. Our specialized services cater to the unique needs of the region, addressing common concerns of humidity, mold growth, and pest infestations. From sealing cracks and gaps to installing vapor barriers and encapsulation systems, we ensure your crawl space is fortified against the challenges of the local climate.
Our team swiftly handles cleanouts and repairs, restoring your crawl space to its best condition. Whether it's damage from animals or mold, we efficiently address any issues. Start your journey to a healthier home with your crawl space.
It’s amazing the destruction and odor rodents and other animals can leave behind. Animal intrusions can cause havoc, leaving droppings and urine-soaked bedding. Our experts specialize in cleaning up after intrusions, ensuring your crawl space is clean and restored.
We prioritize air quality by typically utilizing plant-based cleaners, ensuring a healthier environment for you and your loved ones. In cases of heavy contamination, we employ specialized chemicals to treat and remove all types of mold growth, guaranteeing thorough and effective remediation. Our clean up also includes cleaning floor joists and subflooring along with any other exposed framing.
Cleaning your crawl space may include removing damp or moldy insulation or deteriorated vapor barriers. We replace these components for optimal conditions.
Crawl space encapsulation and repair are vital components of home maintenance, particularly in regions prone to moisture issues like North Georgia. Damage to your crawl space from water intrusion or mold growth can go unnoticed for years. If found, you need a team like ours with the proper licensing and experience to handle any crawl space condition; and trust us, we’ve seen some doozies.
Encapsulation involves sealing off the floors, walls, and piers inside your crawl space with a durable barrier, typically made of high-quality materials like polyethylene. This barrier helps prevent moisture from entering the crawl space, reducing the risk of mold growth, structural damage, and other problems. Encapsulation also includes installing a dehumidifier to keep humidity levels in check.